
Grief and Loss Therapy Program

Grief and Loss Therapy Program

About Our Grief and Loss Therapy Program

Granite Recovery Centers’ approach to the treatment of substance use disorders is unique in that it centers upon a rigorous 12 Step recovery program integrated with evidence-based addiction therapy programs to promote lifetime recovery. Our grief and loss therapy program is used to help clients deal with co-occurring grief, past, and present.


Husband holding wife as part of grief therapy program in New HampshireUnderstanding Grief and Loss

No one is exempt from grief and loss, and traumatic events that create these feelings happen many times over the course of one’s life. Grief is a feeling of irreparable loss of someone or something. It’s marked by overwhelming emotions of sadness, regret, disbelief, and hopelessness. With time, these acute feelings will start to dissipate and a return to normal activities a frame of mind can resume. If the person is unable to properly process their grief, and the same emotions persist at the same volume and for an extended period of time, a complicated grief disorder is diagnosed and should be treated with clinical modalities like Granite Recovery Centers’ grief therapy program.


The Five Stages of Grief

In most cases of grief – simple or complicated – a person will go through five predictable stages between the time of the loss and the eventual return to normalcy. These are:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance


Unresolved Grief and Substance Use Disorder

When a person experiences complicated grief – intense and unrelenting – and does not seek effective counseling, he or she may use alcohol or drugs as a means of coping with overwhelming feelings and to dull the pain, anger, guilt, and shame associated with the loss. For a person with an addictive predisposition, the effects of grief and loss can be far more intense and debilitating.

Man in need of a grief and loss therapy program in New HampshireTom (name changed) was always a heavy drinker even prior to the unexpected death of his wife. Normal nights, he could easily go through a 12-pack of beer, still function in his full-time job, and be a loving husband. When his wife Barbara (name changed) died from cancer, his grief was all-consuming and unmanageable. He quickly graduated to a liter of gin each night, could not work nor participate in basic activities like showering or grocery shopping.

The vicious cycle of grief response and excessive drinking eventually led him to one of our inpatient drug rehab centers in New Hampshire. Through clinical sessions with a therapist, integrated with rigorous 12-Step work, Tom was able to understand and process his feelings of loss, sadness, anger, and regret and learn how to cope and remain abstinent.

Without clinical grief therapy to help Tom process his intense feelings, Tom would have fallen into old drinking patterns in order to medicate away unprocessed negative emotions associated with his wife’s death. Without the daily design for living he developed through his Step work, Tom would have had no clear direction on how to live without alcohol, and might very well have relapsed. Today, Tom is 5 years sober, remarried, and has been able to move on while still enjoying happy memories of his life with Barbara.


Grief and Loss Therapy Program

Understanding Grief, Processing Grief, and Letting it Go

Complicated Grief Therapy (CGT) is an effective clinical intervention that is informed by cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal work with a client. It is utilized when a client has had a prolonged and all-consuming relationship with his or her grief. Through talk and cognitive therapies in both individual and group settings, the client is able to identify the negative emotional and behavioral effects of their grief, and learn to process them more positively.

Grief and loss are often inextricably woven into the story of drug and/or alcohol addiction, derivative of traumas experienced previous to – or as a result of – the substance use disorder. The addict often feels consumed by an unrelenting complicated grief that triggers a compulsion to use. In CGT, the client struggling with substance use disorder is able to discuss and share their grief, examine the emotions resulting from the loss, and develop coping mechanisms through relapse prevention therapy for these potential triggers for substance use.

Call (855) 712-7784 to learn more about our grief and loss therapy program.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.