
THC and Vaping: The Dangers and Your Path to Recovery

Vaping is a bad habit that affects millions. And a growing number of people add THC to their vaporizers. This fluid is not safe to use in vaporizers. THC and vaping is, therefore, a problem that you shouldn’t ignore. Whether you or someone you love is affected, the dangers of this habit must be acknowledged. Thankfully, you can learn more about Granite Recovery Centers’ drug rehab center in New Hampshire to speed your recovery.

THC and Vaping: The Basics

The combination of THC and vaporizers has become a widespread concern. For example, lab test results by the CDC found that 82 percent of vaporizers from injured people have THC. In this liquid, vitamin E acetate was found. Many experts now believe that this acetate is causing damage to the lungs. They also think that THC itself is a common factor in this damage. Though nicotine was found in other vaporizers of those with damaged lungs, THC was the most prevalent.

And since THC and nicotine vaping liquids differ, further examinations of this threat examined many other chemicals in vaporizers. These included mineral oil, MCT oil, and more. These chemicals were not found in the vaporizers of those with damaged lungs. The connection between vitamin E acetate and this damage is evident. And vitamin E acetate is most commonly found in THC. As a result, the FDA has stepped in to help with this situation.

Vaping and Deaths: a Serious Problem

THC and vaping have become a national epidemic. As this habit spreads, many people are getting hurt. As a result, the FDA has continued to warn the public against this danger. Their efforts have been heightened recently in many areas. This increased focus on public awareness comes as a critical time. Unfortunately, the news is filled with many reports, including:

  • Over 1,000 reports of lung injuries
  • Nearly 40 deaths by such devices
  • Continued pressure from parents and anti-nicotine groups
  • A growing number of children abusing such products

The idea that vaping is 100 percent safe is a total myth. The chemicals in vaporizers can damage the lungs and other parts of the body. Adding THC seems to make the situation even worse. Unfortunately, a growing number of people continue vaping. The best step, here, is self-care. People who vape need to seek out medical help to protect their health. And those addicted may need the outpatient rehab center in Salem.

Where to Get Help

Although THC and vaping may not seem like an addiction, it may become one. People may depend on their vaporizers to calm their nerves. Others may feel their use is compulsory before doing anything strenuous. Therefore, rehab is not uncalled for in this situation. Though quitting cold turkey may be a viable option, others may need the help of professionals. Assess your situation before trying out this care.

For example, a rehab center utilizes high-trained staff members. These experts fully understand how to protect your health. Just as critically, they can protect you from dangerous health problems. For example, they can stop your THC and vaping in a safe way. Then, they can assess your overall health to see if you need any treatment. In this way, you can manage your addiction more easily.

High-quality outpatient rehab may be the only help that you need. However, inpatient drug rehab center New Hampshire may also be a wise choice. Try this option if you have any other addictions you need to be treated. For example, if you abuse alcohol, rehab can be a great way to beat this problem. You may also want rehab if you suffer from co-dependent disorders. Dual-diagnosis provides the care needed for these issues.

Let Us Give You the Chance to Recover

If you are into THC and vaping or know someone who is using, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Call (855) 712-7784 to learn more about addiction care from our high-quality centers. Though you may not think THC is addicting, many users develop life-long and destructive habits. Our professionals provide holistic care in Hartford, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment, and much more. Work with us to beat this habit and get yourself healthy again. Don’t forget: we accept most types of insurance.

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