
Valium Withdrawal: Signs, Withdrawal and Detox Process

Valium Withdrawal: Signs, Withdrawal and Detox Process

Diazepam belongs to the benzodiazepine drug family and is most commonly known by the brand name Valium, but it is often sold under a range of other brand names.

Valium is a well-known drug in the United States. It’s used to treat anxiety as well as detox syndromes from other benzodiazepines and alcohol. It’s also used to treat epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, and insomnia. It is no longer a first-line therapy for anxiety because of its high risk for violence and addiction. It is can also help with a variety of other treatments.


Valium Abuse and Addiction

Valium and other benzodiazepines are thought to have a high risk of addiction and dependency. The U.S. Law Enforcement Administration lists these drugs as Schedule IV drugs, which means they can only doctors may administer them lawfully with a prescription.

Medical professionals recognize valium in both clinical and lay circles as a substance with a high risk of misuse and dependency. Many people who misuse benzodiazepines blend them with alcohol, narcotic pain killers, and other substances to intensify the euphoric impact.

Mixing benzodiazepines with other medications is dangerous because it increases the risk of adverse opioid responses, polydrug misuse, and overdose. Overdose deaths from benzodiazepines increased significantly in the United States between 2011 and 2014, suggesting that benzodiazepine addiction is a growing public health concern.

To make matters more complicated, those who use Valium or other benzodiazepines for an extended period of time will develop physical dependence. This makes it especially difficult to stop using them without professional assistance.


Valium Withdrawal and Physical Dependence

Physical dependence on Valium is a disorder that is marked by addiction to the medication as well as withdrawal effects when the drug is discontinued. To put it simply, resistance develops when a person needs a higher dose or more of a medication to produce the same medicinal or other effects that were at lower doses. Tolerance is a typical side effect of many medications that people take for more than a few weeks.

Many people take medications for health purposes under the care of a doctor for long stretches of time and develop a physical dependency on them; however, they do not misuse the drugs by taking them for non-medical purposes, so they do not typically qualify as having an addiction.


Withdrawal Signs

The magnitude of withdrawal symptoms determines how severe withdrawals will be . This can include length of time a person uses a drug, how much they take, and if it is on a regular basis.

Overuse of Valium for an extended amount of time causes more difficult withdrawal effects. Valium withdrawal symptoms can be painful, but the effects are usually milder than those associated with stronger benzos or Xanax.

People who experience withdrawal from Valium may or may not meet the criteria for an abuse or addiction diagnosis. However, the cessation phase for most people fits a consistent pattern with some variation.

Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can divide into stages. It consists of two withdrawal periods where the number and severity of symptoms as well as their length distinguish the stages.


Acute Stage

A person will begin to feel the symptoms of acute withdrawal around one to four days after their last use of Valium. Valium has a variable half-life of up to 48 hours. Certain people may have no noticeable symptoms for a day or two. However, by day three or four, they will be experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms.

The period of time that these effects occur after withdrawing Valium depends on the amount and frequency of Valium use, the length of time of use, any other medications present, and human variations in metabolism and mental and psychological health. For example, after a relatively short time of not using Valium, certain people who are vulnerable to anxiety and depression may experience rebound anxiety, which is a return to the anxiety that existed before the person began taking the drug.

The signs of acute withdrawal include:

  • Headaches, fatigue, vomiting, stomach pains, cramps, and tremors are some of the physical signs that can occur.
  • Cardiovascular signs can link to rebound anxiety or simply part of the detox phase in general.
  • Confusion and the risk for epilepsy are examples of neurological signs present during the acute stage.
  • Seizures during the acute period of withdrawal are a major complication that can be fatal if not treated promptly.


General Withdrawal

After three to four days of acute symptoms, the individual will most likely go through a longer withdrawal cycle that will last 10-14 days in most cases. Increased Valium cravings, lightheadedness, moderate headache, mild fever, episodes of nausea, possible chills, exhaustion, and ongoing bouts of anxiety can all occur at this time.

The severity of these signs would be much lower than the acute symptoms. Flu-like symptoms, general feelings of disappointment, and a general sense of gloom will typically be present. An additional duration of rebound anxiety may last between 10 and 14 days in some people.

Individuals will eventually recover after the withdrawal process, but they may also experience fear, depression, and general feelings of being “out of tune.”

Some sources also mention post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which is a longer duration of generalized neurological problems that can appear in some people when they’ve recovered from drug use. Mood problems, issues enjoying happiness to the same degree as before substance addiction, and overall feelings of disappointment and diminished enthusiasm are common symptoms.

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome is a long period of time, ranging from weeks to years, that necessitates ongoing treatment, most commonly in the form of therapy. Otherwise, it may lead to an increased risk of relapse. Addiction specialists and mental health practitioners can provide more guidance about this aspect of quitting drug use.

It’s vital to understand the Valium detox process because people who are suffering withdrawal symptoms are more likely to relapse. The onset of rebound anxiety and physical symptoms will be almost entirely absent if the person resumes taking Valium. Individuals who try to avoid using Valium “cold turkey” without medical support may find it incredibly challenging.


Medications to Help with Valium Withdrawal

Valium is often used as a benzodiazepine substitute drug to help people recover from other benzodiazepines. Individuals with a clinical dependency on another benzodiazepine may take Valium instead of the other benzodiazepine. The practitioner will progressively lower the dose to enable the individual to adapt.

When the dose hits a certain amount, drug use stops entirely. The person is through the withdrawal process without significant side effects. Physicians should also launch a Valium tapering technique for patients who have a physical dependency on the medication. This may be the most efficient technique for negotiating a physical removal from Valium.

Baclofen in the form of Kemstro, Gablofen, or Lioresal is a muscle relaxant that has been shown to suppress cravings for a variety of drugs of addiction, including benzodiazepines. Doctors may prescribe medications for nausea, headaches, and other conditions.


Recovery from a Valium Addiction

Everyone dealing with a Valium addiction should get help regardless of their situation or experience. Depending on your needs, there are a number of therapies available. There is also financial aid available to help with the cost of care. The first move is to make the decision to seek treatment for your addiction.

Valium withdrawal therapy seeks to make stopping the medication as easy as possible. Following detox of the drug, inpatient treatment could be the best solution for heavy Valium users. Some individuals prefer outpatient treatment to help them conquer their addiction while they continue with work and home responsibilities. In any case, healing from a Valium addiction can be a lengthy process.


Granite Recovery Centers

Granite Recovery Centers offers many resources for those suffering from Valium addiction. We’ve been changing people’s lives and giving them hope for more than 10 years. Below are some of the services we offer:

It’s time to get assistance if crucial aspects of your life are taking a back seat to your Valium addiction. Regardless of how long you’ve been using Valium, you have the ability to overcome your addiction. We can help when you take the first steps toward recovery by seeking treatment.



Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be difficult, but it is possible to alleviate many uncomfortable symptoms with medical help. Because of the possibility of major medical problems, home remedies are not best for anyone detoxing from Valium.

Detoxing in a professional recovery facility that specializes in treating addiction is the best alternative. Granite Recovery Centers will safely provide you with the relief you need when you’re going through withdrawal.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.