
Cocaine Treatment & Rehab Options

Overcoming Cocaine Addiction

Overcoming cocaine addiction is possible. However, success rests on the shoulders of the individual who has fallen into this hole. Overcoming addiction is difficult because the substance of choice alters the receptors in the brain as well as the body. A person’s brain has to remember what it was like to live without cocaine. Then, the body has to stop craving the feeling of euphoria that cocaine provided.

Cocaine Overdose Statistics

In 2017, there was an estimated 13,942 deaths due to cocaine overdoses in the United States. The national rate for cocaine overdose deaths has risen since 1999. The trend is in line with the rise of overall drug overdose deaths in the U.S. The No. 1 culprit is opioids, but cocaine has popped up in opioid-related deaths, namely when fentanyl is involved. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found a 26% increase in cocaine use from 2014 to 2015. Analysts believe that there were 766,000 first-time users that year.

Cocaine Addiction May Be Colliding With the Opioid Epidemic

One possible explanation for so many new users is the connection between opioids and cocaine. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. The formula of a synthetic opioid can be concocted by mixing heroin or cocaine with fentanyl, for example. The person who is going to consume the mixture is aiming to optimize the potency. The ultimate goal is satisfying a craving for euphoria even though it is manufactured. Since fentanyl has a potency that is 50 to 100 times stronger than prescription non-opioid pain killers, the result has been an alarming rise in overdose deaths since 2013.

The medical field is working to get a firm grasp on what has become the opioid epidemic. In the process of understanding the two decades of data they now have, experts have developed several options to help those suffering from addiction:

  • Outpatient rehabilitation
  • Contingency management aka motivational incentives
  • Therapeutic communities

In behavioral interventions, medical professionals are attempting to incentivize abstinence from cocaine. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has seen success because it helps patients develop skills that support long-term abstinence from cocaine.

A therapeutic community is put together during an inpatient rehab stay. You can find these groups throughout the local communities outside of rehab. Churches, community centers and other public facilities often host Narcotics and Cocaine Anonymous that are open to residents.

The Importance of Group Therapy

No matter the level of cocaine addiction, it’s important to attend therapy groups. Meetings at groups such as Narcotics and Cocaine Anonymous are encouraged for all at any stage of recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 40% to 60% of patients who are trying to recover end up relapsing.

You’ll be at risk of a relapse if:

  • You have little to no support system
  • A respite from distractions and temptation
  • A support group of people who understand the circumstances

Ongoing Recovery

The goal of every addiction rehabilitation program is to equip the patient with the tools they need to live a sober life.

Granite Recovery Centers offers treatment plans that are based on the 12-Step curriculum. We integrate evidence-based clinical therapies to promote a higher chance of success post-treatment. Caretakers customize plans based on the needs of the patient because not all cases are the same. Those who face risky withdrawals go through the sub-acute medical detox facility. Rehabilitation is not only about overcoming the addiction. It’s also about addressing any concurring mental health issues.

Those who might consider a program such as those offered by the Canterbury Behavioral Health are presented with several options, too. This is a 20-bed facility that keeps a low patient to medical staff ration. Clinical psychotherapeutic support is provided during a patient’s stay at the center. Included are one-on-one individual therapy, process groups and motivational interviewing. Holistic activities such as yoga, meditation and physical exercise are also provided.

Typically, rehabilitation programs will focus on relapse prevention education and aftercare planning. Since the rehabilitation field understands that there is no one-size-fits-all remedy to addiction, one patient’s plan may include art therapy and mental health counseling while another’s might involve equine therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy.

Why Seeking Help Is Important

The negative effects of a cocaine addiction are serious. The worst outcome is death. If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, taking action will help prevent long-term health issues.

Mental health issues related to cocaine use disorder include:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Severe anxiety

You’re not alone. Even though it may not seem like it, there are thousands of people battling addiction. Working toward sobriety allows you to mend broken relationships. This builds a necessary support group that can help you start over with a sober life.

The first step is to assess where you are in your addiction. Whether it is a mild or severe case, help is at your disposal. Getting it simply requires a phone call to a hotline or a visit to a rehabilitation center.

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